Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Collected Works of a Music Lover/Music's Lover

Urgent Message to Humanity: We must not define ourselves by the genre of music we listen to, for that in itself has too many restrictions. As if there are no emos who secretly lipsync to Britney Spears, no country lovers who airguitar to Metallica no gangster rappers who cry to Celine? Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.. point is: free yourself from music moulds and be happy to own an eclectic collection of songs that you can take pride in. I am on a never-ending conquest for music that frees my soul and liberates my mind from the shackles of reality.. well either that or the soundtrack to my life. On this conquest I am searching for that artist who can fulfill my every musical need. All I want is to be able to put up a poster of an artist because I enjoy every song ever made by them. Like back in grade 4 when my poster of the Backstreet Boys was a statement of my love for all of their music (and Nick Carter).. Until then, almost every artist I listen to will forever remain a one-hit wonder, *sigh.. is it unfair to call The Killers a one-hit-wonder? I have yet to hear a song from them anywhere near as good as Somebody Told Me....

Watch the video

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