Monday, January 5, 2009

happy new year!

2009 is going to be sizzling hot if for no other reason than the release of some bodacious movies and psychedelic cds. OOOOOOmg I can't wait.. I'm going to start posting movies I'm going to watch each month too because with great movies often come smexcellent songs. Like Shipping Up to Boston (thank you Departed), Are you that Somebody (domo arigato Dr. Doolittle), Dance Like This (merci Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights), Bad Things (ok.. this is from True Blood the t.v. series but still an excellent song), and many many more (like all those dance movies - I personally think Step Up had an excellent soundtrack since I liked every song from it).

Anywhoo this new year is ripe with disgustingly exciting CD releases. Ok so 2008 kinda raised our standards in music releases (what with B.Spears' new cd, lil Wayne, Kanye and GNR's friggin long awaited Chinese Democracy and all).

What I'm excited for:
-Billy Talent (WOOT)-Dave Matthews Band (horraah)
-K-os (sooo excited)
-Dr. Dre (so excited I might vomit)
-Eminem (I think I'm going to cry)
What I'm curious to hear but don't expect to like more than three tracks on it:
-U2 in their 12th studio album release after more than 4 years (I'm not that excited)
-Coldplay (meh: but I do love Violet Hill and Lost! from their last album)
-Jay Z - The Blueprint 3 (waaay overrated - I mean who fakes a retirement?; however I do like his pre-retirement music and one post: Heart of the City - but only because my sister keeps singing the chorus which made me realize how catchy it was)

What I don't care about but will probably give a quick listen-through:
-Greenday (boo - although I do like Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams)
-Fiddy (50-cent/eww except I like ayo technology and a couple of songs featuring him like Can't Leave him alone, etc.)
-Postal Service
-Built to Spill

Who I'm angry at (this has nothing to do with 2009 releases):
-Leona Lewis (for wasting my time and hurting my ears)
-Rihanna (for being the laziest musician in the history of time - she's not the only one with more than one good track on her CD but releasing a 9th single from the same cd? seriously? you make me mad rihanna you and your creepy neck tatoo; if the video for disturbia wasn't so awesome i would probably dislike you as much as I do leona (that's saying something). Stop being lazy and make some new music or go away. Thank you.

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