Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So today's post is going to be about Glee, probably because when Rachel approached Kurt on tonight's episode of Glee about understanding his feelings of lonliness it struck a sad chord with me. Speaking of chords.. umm have you seen the new cutie on gLee? Chord Overstreet? I'm not posting his pic because I'm such a ped sometimes.. don't worry he's legal. Speaking of legal I watched Eclipse today.. I promised myself I wouldn't but lo and behold I wanted to watch a cheesy romance movie with attractive people in it. I giggled most of the time through it.. mostly out of the discomfort/ whenever I judged myself. So Taylor Lautner, he doesn't induce stalker tendencies in me anymore (I'm thinking because he cut his hair/ maybe he's passed his prime now that he's legal.. i'm joking? does it matter? Is anyone even reading this?). Anywhoo, back to gLee.. why didn't Artie sing tonight? ALSO 90210!!!! OMG has anyone been watching this? a) every time i see mr. cannon i can't help but to scream "predator", b) teddy's storyline?! shocking, i think. c) ivy slept with that british/australian? guy wtf. d) i love annie.. that's my home girl (also i really want her to get back with liam but i don't mind her with diana ross' son).. Also the music in the last two episodes has been pretty fantastic. My faves being Lo-Fi (Oh My) by Bronze Radio and Down to the Infinity by Too Young to Love, and that's all I can remember. Does anyone else think Adrianna's voice is horrific? She was stunning in the first season when she did that Cleopatra scene and totally stole the show from my besty Annie (well maybe it was in the moment because I didn't feel the same way when I watched the clip again).  Also, I know we were supposed to be offended by Finn and Rachel's performance of With You I'm Born Again (here's a link of the original) tonight, but I loved it. Her performance with Kurt on Happy Days Are Here Again/ Get Happy was adorable. I also loved Rachel's performance last week of Papa Can You Here Me? lol I always think of Nelson Muntz when I hear that line. And while one the topic of Rachel, my two favourite performances of hers in the first season were Don't Rain on My Parade and Run Joey Run. Also my baby daddy, Jesse McCartney, is coming out with some new material.. yaaay. Okie that is all..

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