Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How do you Sleep?

Ok so I'm not sure if you know this about me but I luurv blondes/ especially the one blonde guy in boy bands (ahem Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake/Trevor Guthrie/Ritchie Neville/Jon Lee.. some would argue there's more than one blonde in some of those bands but I beg to differ). This all has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that surferdudes are hot.. like the guys in Lords of Dogtown or the guy who played Tarzan in that show that got cancelled on the WB/CWTV. Anywhoo point is I love Jesse McCartney. I think he and I should meet and fall in love.
So in honour of our love I'm posting my all time favourite song by him:
Right Where You Want Me (my favourite favourite favourite part of this song is when he's like "In slow motion, My imagination's running, trying to keep my body still, I can hardly stand the thrill".. Okay I know it sounds dirty but I like how he sings it)
...and the song I found out about today while creeping him/his Trivia on IMDB.. He was on a caffeine high when he wrote this song and that's why it's fast paced: She's No You. It's really good.. I'm going to listen to it again.

Now I know what you're going to say, "But Abi! This Jesse McCartney of yours is the very same one who wrote the lyrics to that god-foresaken Bleeding Love song sung by the she-devil herself, Leona Lewis." Well to that I say, "Shut up Tharsha. Jesse and I are in love and every relationship has rough patches."

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