Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ok seriously.. I have an exam in T minus 3 hours and I can't help but post right now. The guy sitting across from me looks like Napoleon Freakin Dynamite. What's more funny is that he's talking to his friend about weird names like how he has a prof named Parmesan and a dentist named Dr. A. Choo and he heard that there was a Doctor named Dr. Gay, but his friend has no clue what he's talking about and was like, "I don't get it. You're dentist's name is Achoogay?" Hahaha.. people are silly. Okie I gotta get back to work but I'll give you a song real quick seeing as this is a music blog. Hahaha he's just sitting and laughing to himself, now.. I love this guy.

Paper Tongues - Ride to California (it's my new fav)

edit: can I just say how much Blades of Glory made me laugh the second time I watched it..

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