Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How do you Sleep?

Ok so I'm not sure if you know this about me but I luurv blondes/ especially the one blonde guy in boy bands (ahem Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake/Trevor Guthrie/Ritchie Neville/Jon Lee.. some would argue there's more than one blonde in some of those bands but I beg to differ). This all has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that surferdudes are hot.. like the guys in Lords of Dogtown or the guy who played Tarzan in that show that got cancelled on the WB/CWTV. Anywhoo point is I love Jesse McCartney. I think he and I should meet and fall in love.
So in honour of our love I'm posting my all time favourite song by him:
Right Where You Want Me (my favourite favourite favourite part of this song is when he's like "In slow motion, My imagination's running, trying to keep my body still, I can hardly stand the thrill".. Okay I know it sounds dirty but I like how he sings it)
...and the song I found out about today while creeping him/his Trivia on IMDB.. He was on a caffeine high when he wrote this song and that's why it's fast paced: She's No You. It's really good.. I'm going to listen to it again.

Now I know what you're going to say, "But Abi! This Jesse McCartney of yours is the very same one who wrote the lyrics to that god-foresaken Bleeding Love song sung by the she-devil herself, Leona Lewis." Well to that I say, "Shut up Tharsha. Jesse and I are in love and every relationship has rough patches."

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ok seriously.. I have an exam in T minus 3 hours and I can't help but post right now. The guy sitting across from me looks like Napoleon Freakin Dynamite. What's more funny is that he's talking to his friend about weird names like how he has a prof named Parmesan and a dentist named Dr. A. Choo and he heard that there was a Doctor named Dr. Gay, but his friend has no clue what he's talking about and was like, "I don't get it. You're dentist's name is Achoogay?" Hahaha.. people are silly. Okie I gotta get back to work but I'll give you a song real quick seeing as this is a music blog. Hahaha he's just sitting and laughing to himself, now.. I love this guy.

Paper Tongues - Ride to California (it's my new fav)

edit: can I just say how much Blades of Glory made me laugh the second time I watched it..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Golden Country

Horray Canada!

14 Golds are great but what's even better is the sheer patriotism that flooded Canada that Sunday night. Serendipity hard at work bringing us one of the most incredible hockey games in history (it also didn't hurt that we have the best players in the world). But seriously folks, can we talk about the music? There was some great music these games and it got me thinking. I'm going to list off SOME, 14, of my favourite Canadian musicians.

14. The Canadian Tenors
13. The old Nelly Furtado
12. Billy Talent
11. Drake (what a sexy voice)
10. Alanis Morisette (She looked Gorgeous at the Olympics and her performance was incredible)
9. The Arkelles
8. Classified (O-o-oh Canada)
7. K-os (I was really happy to see K-Os at the Olympics becaue I really think he's a staple of Canada's excellent music scene.. p.s. I saw him live and he's incredible)
6. Sam Roberts (Yum.. you know, I touched his hand once.. we practically made a baby)
5. Celine (It would've been nice to see her perform at the closing.. but I know that's high hopes lol)
4. Metric (It was really hard to pick a song for the link.. so I went with their oldest video.. Succexy)
3. Sarah McLachlan (great singer + favourite movie = no brainer for link)
2. Our Lady Peace (Raine is so effing gorgeous)
1. Nickelback (What a great way to kick off an Olympic Closing Celebration)

Honorable Mentions go to: Rush, soulDecision, Snow, Avril, Alexisonfire, and Shania.. there are so many more but these guys came to mind first. LOVE Canada and its music <3.

The Goods... LOVE.

Ok, as promised, I have new music and it's sooo good! I want to cry I'm so happy, it's been so long.

My number one song right now is Sade's Soldier of Love. It's so jive. That's really the only way I can describe it. Check it out. The video is absolutely incredible, as well.

Rihanna's Rude boy is now my number one Rihanna songs..
My Rihanna list is as follows:
1. Rude Boy
2. Sell Me Candy
3. Rehab (still too played out for me to listen to)
4ish. Disturbia (only because of the video)

Calvin Harris' Stars Come Out (I just love this song, I want to kidnap Calvin Harris and keep him in my basement)

Band of Horses - The Funeral (really sweet)

Everything Everything - My Kz, Ur BF (I really have no idea what they're talking about in this song but I love it)

Phoenix - Lisztomania [Alex Metric Remix] (I'm putting it in this list becaue I never really got a chance to post it before)

Alexisonfire - The Northern (this song is very different from typical alexis stuff)

WRECKX-N-EFFECT - RUMPSHAKER (I frickin love this song.. wait for the chorus/ thank you Sean for having the most awesome ringtone on Psych!)

Hawa - D.A.N.C.E. [Justice Cover] (surprisintly good!)

Breakbot feat. Irfane -  Baby I'm Yours (this song is absolutely awesome to sing along to)

It Hurt's So Good

  So seeing as there's been a musical drought I have been opening my mind to some new music and I have recently stumbled upon a handful of songs that will stand the test of time which I'll be sure to hand over to you in my next blog.

  But! before I get to these musical gifts, I have a confession to make. During the dirty drought of late 2009/early 2010, I allowed myself to listen to a little man I used to love to hate named Adam Lambert. I thought he was an absolute joke when he was on American Idol and was totally turned off when I saw his album artwork. Then I saw the video for For Your Entertainment, and I was hooked. He was like a male Britney. Granted, the song really isn't that good but it got me listening to the rest of the CD and I just love it! Whatya Want From Me, his second single, has been  getting a lot of positive feedback for good reason.. it's sooo fun to sing a long with!

Other songs from his album that I love:

If I Had You
Aftermath (Has a similar tone to whatya want from me; similar to The Fray style but with a little more Umph)

If you like If I Had You and For Your Entertainment you might like the following:
Pick U Up (If Miley Cyrus was a boy.. and Selena Gomez wrote the lyrics..)
A Loaded Smile (It's more serious and less Adam Lambert's stage persona)
Sure Fire Winners (Ok.. I KNOW.. I warned you.. It's like Jesse McCartney meets cheesy 90s Pop..)
Soaked (this is totally an 80s pop love song.. I should not love this song but it's a weird combo of the styles of Queen and the Rocky Horror Picture Show)